Monday, February 5, 2007


heyy i haven't written in here in so long I've been lost bt I'm back agen!
so yesterday i went with Islamic relief to umbumbulu it past isipingo and was such a awsum day had so much fun but was quite sad as well... so these people have like nothing and are so poor bt yet can still smile nd rejoice wer as we that have everything cant be happy go lucky why is that?
they walk like miles to get water coz they hav no water and rely on the rain for water and a little river or wat looks 2 m like a swamp...the water is muddy nd dirty filled with tadpoles and this the water they drink bath nd use to cook...i wonder sometime south Africa gets so much of revenue cant they at least give water that is clean to these people don't they care....??


taz said...

damnit... i turned down umbumbulu for the beach and a pre-campus shopping spree (was highly unsuccessful)... :(

Unknown said...

hmmm...agreed umbumbulu was totally awesome (even tho my lgs were bloody dore for the next 2 days from carryin up that water with dangor)

c taz...u should listen 2 me!!!